Rector’s eNews – 01 March 2023
/ Rector's eNewsOn Monday, I spoke briefly to the boys about issues concerning what is internationally known as Safeguarding. I explained that my engaging with them on this topic was not a result of anything of which I knew which had recently happened at Michaelhouse, but was a general ‘heads up’ that we live in a world where older people sometimes prey on younger people who are prepared/groomed for the sexual gratification of the older people. I gave a couple of examples of typical situations that may arise particularly with regard to men trying to coerce teenage girls or young women into relationships and, ultimately, dependency. Grooming can happen in person or online and it is often associated with people who are known to families and/or are trusted friends/associates.
I pointed out that it was extremely unlikely that our boys would be groomed in person or online but said that they should not be naïve about this in the wider world. Mr Sibusiso Ncamani is in charge of Safeguarding as part of his role as the Deputy Rector: Pastoral and he is the person to approach if any of our boys feel uncomfortable about a situation. We can then address the matter in an attempt to resolve issues.
Last week on Wednesday we had a Random Acts of Kindness Day. This is an international venture and, although we should be kind on 365 days of the year, having a special focus last week reminded us that each of us can make the world a better place by spreading a little light, lifting somebody up with our words, complimenting them about something important to them or brightening their day in some way. Our boys, through tutor groups, were encouraged to look at the website and then to watch these videos:
Change the World with Kindness –
The Science of Kindness –