March 8, 2023

Rector’s eNews – 08 March 2023

/ Rector's eNews / Spiritual

On Sunday evening, in preparation for the Confirmation Service to be held this coming Friday at 16h00 in the Chapel, several boys were baptised. This is usually a relatively low-key event which has, previously, been incorporated into the Confirmation Service. However following a discussion between the Chaplain and the boys, a decision was taken to conduct full immersion baptisms in the training pool at the Swimming Pool Complex.

The Chaplain blessed the water and then climbed into the training pool and 17 boys then underwent their full immersion akin to similar scenes some 2000 years ago on the banks of the river Jordan. Baptism is a significant moment in one’s Christian journey and there is no doubt that this will remain powerfully etched in the boys’ memories for the rest of their lives.


For those who were baptised as children, it was their parents and godparents who made promises to follow Jesus Christ on their behalf. At confirmation, candidates confirm these baptismal promises for themselves. Furthermore, the sacrament of confirmation helps a person to remain faithful to their baptismal commitments, especially to live as fully active members of the Church, witnessing to Christ and serving others. Christian living requires the gifts of the Holy Spirit and confirmands are strengthened and equipped to fulfil their Christian calling by the laying on of hands and the receiving of the Holy Spirit. At Michaelhouse the service of Confirmation is led by the Bishop of Natal, The Right Reverend Nkosinathi Ndwandwe, and it is he who anoints each confirmand with oil, making the sign of the cross on the forehead of each, and praying for God to fill and empower each boy to become all that God intends.

Michaelhouse families are very supportive of their sons through the process of confirmation and are invited to be present and to play a beautiful and meaningful role on the day. However, should families not be able to be present, then Housemasters and other staff members stand in for them by offering that support. We hope to see many of you on Friday.

On a very different topic, there is immense excitement in the school this week as we move from the summer sports season into the winter season and the prospect of rugby and hockey approaches. There is a pre-season rugby warmup match against Helpmekaar for our A teams, whilst the First Hockey XI are playing in the Top Ten Tournament.

Brendan Gittins, Deputy Rector: Pupils, will write to the parents of matric boys soon in connection with the Matric Dance which has been moved to Saturday, 12 August as a result of a major soccer/football festival in Gauteng which has, unexpectedly, been scheduled for the previous weekend. We naturally do not wish our boys to miss out on this festival – hence the change of date which will be the subject of a letter at a later stage from Mr Gittins.

Read the full Rector’s eNews here

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