Rector’s eNews 30: 18 September 2024
/ UncategorizedFirstly, I would like to thank our Michaelhouse Community including parents, Old Boys and other well-wishers, especially from our sister school, St Anne’s, DPHS and other similar schools for the tremendous support which you have given our boys and staff over the past two weeks as we have tried to come to terms with the very sad passing of Garth Finnemore and his parents, Gareth and Olivia. The outpouring of emotion evident at the Memorial Service held on Thursday at the Amphitheatre (and again on Monday at Mount Edgecombe) was cathartic in many respects and, indeed, a demonstration of the affection of our boys, staff and parents for Garth and his family. The grief at his loss has been profound. The knowledge that our grief is shared by many families makes the difficult road ahead marginally easier. We will remember them.
Whilst the service in the Amphitheatre which many saw as it was streamed was wonderfully orchestrated by our Chaplain, Rev Chris Meyer, it was strange not to be in our Chapel at such a time. Work on the extension of the Chapel continues apace and the accompanying photograph will give you an overview of the foundations being in place and that the bricks continue to be laid, each with care, as the widening process continues so that the building at the heart of Michaelhouse will be able to accommodate the whole school and staff. The second illustration below demonstrates what the Chapel will look like when completed and you will note that the colour of the brick used for the extension is marginally different from the original colour. This feature complies with heritage guidelines and is in keeping with similar buildings extended in different eras. The project to commemorate Michaelhouse families and individual boys by the refurbishment of pews is still underway with just over 20 pews still available to parents or Old Boys who might wish to commemorate a family member with a Michaelhouse connection. Please speak to our Head of Development, Mrs Frances Fleming-Bolttler on email if you would like to pursue this. All the resources raised from this project go into the refurbishment and development of the Chapel and will help make good some of the additional expenses incurred in a quest to achieve solutions which are of the very best quality.
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