Rector’s eNews 06 : 21 February 2024
/ UncategorizedI do hope that your boys will have enjoyed the brief respite of half-term over the past weekend and that they have returned to school eager to take up where they left off.
Just before the break, we had our Prize Giving, as distinct from our Speech Day which takes place in the last term. At our Prize Giving we look back on the previous year – in this case 2023 – and make awards based on achievement, on diligence and on improvement from previous years. To this end, a prize for academic excellence, for exceptional hard work and for doing markedly better than previously is within the grasp of every Michaelhouse boy and we hope that this ceremony, coming early in the year in February, will inspire our boys to work with drive, determination and growing insight as they progress through 2024.
We believe in a holistic education embracing sporting, cultural and other development, but the academic thread is the golden one which runs through our programme and gives focus to every day and week. Our B to E Blocks of 2023 were the recipients of awards last Wednesday and, later in the year at Speech Day, the focus will be on the A Block boys as they prepare to matriculate and take leave of Michaelhouse.
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