Old Boys’ News – June 2019
/ Old BoysIt has been a pleasure to step into the very large shoes left by Fred Pitout to serve Michaelhouse from the Old Boys’ Office.
I hope that the Old Boys’ Newsletter will strengthen the ties between Old Boys and between Old Boys and Michaelhouse by sharing news, both of interest and significance of our men around the world, if you know of any Old Boys out there doing anything interesting or making a difference (and there will be many), please let me know. We would love to share their stories. While we make every effort to include all significant events, we can’t publish those about which we don’t know.
The days are noticeably shorter in Balgowan as we head to the middle of winter, but we are yet to see a real frost. Global Warming seems very real this year. The campus is a veritable building site with work on the new Astroturf and houses progressing at pace. Preparations for the refurbishing and major upgrade of the gym are also well underway. We can’t believe that the 2019 home matches against Hilton are just a few days away.
The past month has been a very busy time for the Old Boys Club. The Gaudies and Old Boys Day were very successful and have generated many positive comments. The Old Boys App, is taking off. Since the launch on Old Boys Day, 900-odd people have uploaded the app, which already features and 118 businesses. We celebrated Ross Armstrong’s tenure as President and welcomed Phil Roberts as new President and Wayne Witherspoon as President Elect.