Rector’s News 02: 22 January 2025
/ UncategorizedWe have had an excellent start to the academic year and I congratulated the boys in assembly on Monday on their energy and sense of purpose which has been so evident in their actions over the past few days. The House spirit demonstrated, for example, at our swimming gala on Friday evening was magical and the event was so important for those new to Michaelhouse as they were, in many cases, able to contribute for the first time in an important way to their Houses and, thus, to feel part of those Houses. Matches on Saturday against Kearsney brought our boys together in another way as they represented the school and gave their all for Michaelhouse. I am confident that we will build on this start to the year and champion all that is great about being at a boarding school of our nature where boys and staff support each other and work together in a positive spirit.
On Monday we congratulated those boys who had achieved excellent results at the end of last year in the academic sphere and especially those who came in the top ten in their year groups or achieved Honours, Colours or Half-Colours. Well done to those boys, too, who have been designated as TARPS for 2025. We hope that all of these boys feel proud of their academic growth and aspire to reaching the highest standards again this year. The boys who have done exceptionally well are listed under academic achievements in this eNews and have, in the main, had to work extremely hard to attain those levels.
Last week I spoke to the boys, inter alia, about the importance of discipline and leading disciplined lives and this week I elaborated on this theme so that they are clear where the parameters are regarding certain important issues. The boys will have to review the Routines, Rules and Regulations which I sent to you recently and sign in their tutor groups that they have read and understood these and will abide by them.
In particular, in assembly, I wanted to draw the attention of the boys to the outcome for them if certain rules are broken and I spoke about the use of drugs, including cannabis, recognising that it can be confusing for boys since cannabis has been legalised for use by adults in private. Cannabis remains a dangerous drug for teenagers because of the development of their brains over this time (14-19) and it falls into the category of all drugs in the way that the school responds to its use. The message to the boys was, therefore, simple and intended to be proactive: boys have been told that if they bring drugs (other than prescription medication) into the school or are found with them here or test positive, they must expect to lose their place at Michaelhouse and, thus, to have to leave the school. I give this message to the boys at the beginning of each year and do so in the clearest possible way to protect them on those difficult occasions where they may be at a party somewhere and they need to make a snap decision as to whether they go down the slippery slope or steer clear of drugs. It is always helpful to boys when their parents reinforce what the school is saying in terms of rules and approaches to discipline so that the boys cannot steer a course between parents and the school. We, as a school, would really appreciate your support in this regard.
I also spoke to them briefly about inclusivity and the fact that racism is completely unacceptable in the South Africa of 2025 and that they need to think before they blurt out something which they may intend, somehow, to be funny but is certainly not. If they set out with a mindset of being generous in spirit, then they will not find themselves in situations where they are knocking people down rather than building them up.
Messrs Brendan Gittins and Sibusiso Ncamani, our Deputy Rector: Pupils and Deputy Rector: Pastoral, will address each Block in due course as part of their overall engagement with the boys and discuss issues which may arise in the disciplinary and other areas of the school and, indeed, explain situations where the boys may ask for elaboration or clarification.
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