January 31, 2024

Rector’s eNews – 31 January 2024

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On Monday evening, we had our induction of the boys new to Michaelhouse, both E Block boys and seven other boys in higher Grades. Our E Block met at the school gates and walked up through Warriors’ Walk to the statue of St Michael slaying the dragon where they were met by their prefects who accompanied them in their Houses into the Chapel.


Each boy then answered in the affirmative to the traditional charge that he would uphold the good name of Michaelhouse and follow the Michaelhouse Code and each was formally admitted to Michaelhouse. During our ceremony the boys signed a certificate on which the expectations of a Michaelhouse man are articulated and each was given a bible to accompany him on his journey through the school.


For those parents who are new to us, the reverse movement will occur in five years time when, at the end of his matric year, each boy will sign our leavers’ book, receive his Old Boys’ tie and a bible and walk down from the Chapel, past the statue of St Michael slaying the dragon, through Warriors Walk and out of the school. The symbolism of the arrival of the boys and their walking up to the Chapel and then their departure down exactly the same route is a new development: each mirrors the other and are bookends of a boy’s time at Michaelhouse.


Earlier in the day, on Monday, I spoke to the boys in assembly and, whilst I will not necessarily publish every comment made in our whole school meeting every week in the eNews, I feel it is important that you should know that I built on my injunction about the maintenance of discipline by special reference to cannabis and other drugs. The boys have been told very clearly that if they bring what may erroneously be called recreational drugs, including cannabis, into the school or are found with such drugs or test positive for cannabis, they must expect to lose their place at Michaelhouse. I cannot be clearer than that and I referred to the fact that last year 13 boys had to leave Michaelhouse for ill-discipline, and that a number of those situations related to their being found with or testing positive for cannabis/marijuana. This was, therefore, a very clear warning to them and it would be helpful if parents were to give exactly the same message to your sons in terms of not breaking important rules of the school. I thank you for your support in this area.


The last few weeks have been extremely positive in the life of the school with the vast majority of the boys starting the year with real energy and purpose and the positive vibe in the school is tangible. It is clear that the majority of the boys, as I also said in assembly, value being at Michaelhouse and want to do well here. I find their approach to life impressive and have urged them to continue in this vein in all that they undertake in the term and year ahead.

To read the full Rector’s eNews click here

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