December 1, 2022

Rector’s eNews – 30 November 2022

/ Rector's eNews

As we come to the end of this academic year, we look forward to Christmas, a time of celebrating the birth of Christ over 2000 years ago and a time of family togetherness. The term Christmas originated from the idea of having a mass on Christ’s Day and we have become used to its being a day on which we give presents to those close to us as the three wise men did in biblical times. For most, it is a time of spiritual upliftment and joy, as well as a time of relaxation. For some, however, it is a time of loneliness in which loved ones who are no longer alive are remembered. It can also be a time during which the disparities in our world may be accentuated. We would do well to try to support those for whom the Christmas season is not such a happy period as it may be for the vast majority of us.

The following day (26 December) which is still referred to as Boxing Day by many was, historically, a day on which the alms boxes which had been receptacles of donations to the poor were opened in the churches and the contents were then distributed to the needy. Work was often a feature of Christmas Day for employees in support of wealthier families and so, on the following day, there was an opportunity to relax for those who had had to work the previous day.

Boxing Day, the feast day of St Stephen, was historically often linked to sporting events which gave an opportunity for all to exercise after Christmas Day. May I wish you a very joyful Christmas period over which we are also mindful of those who are less fortunate than we are.

Next year, on a trial basis, we will have an additional closed weekend directly after half-term in the 1st quarter for D and E Blocks and for all boys in the 3rd quarter. Boys will just have returned to school after half-term five days previously and we wish to utilise the opportunity to create more space for the interaction of Housemasters and tutors with specific groups of boys and for developing Inter-House activities over these weekends.

Read the full Rector’s eNews here


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