Rector’s eNews – 27 January 2021
/ Rector's eNewsIt is really exciting to be about to receive the boys back at school over the next few days after so much speculation, discussion, Zoom meetings, back tracking, and finally, a positive announcement.
We have not let the grass grow under our feet, however, and the online work done by the boys has got us off to a good start to the academic year. We are now going to build on that in the weeks and months ahead and, though we will all face a number of challenges in this year, there is much to which we are looking forward.
We will be offering an online programme for those boys who are not able to return to school and I would ask you please to contact your son’s Housemaster if he is not able to return to school. The exact nature of the online progamme will vary and depend on his level of operation, the material being studied and the subject. The boys will have access to the resources for each of their subjects on the online learning platform and his teachers will be available for one on one or small group sessions in which he will be able to seek help. These will be arranged at a mutually convenient time, not necessarily in a teaching lesson – again this will depend the nature of the material under review and his proficiency.
On another matter, as we move into the year ahead, I want to draw to your attention some guidelines which will, I hope, further enhance the already strong relationship which Michaelhouse enjoys with you as parents.
Clearly parents and Michaelhouse have entered into a contract. This is, as you know, a binding and enforceable document. In terms of the contract, both the School and you as parents have obligations and duties to one another, and to the boys who attend Michaelhouse.
Having said this and conscious of the importance of the school doing all it can to develop your son, you are able to support your son and the school in many ways. These include:
- Engaging with your child regularly in respect of issues raised by the School.
- Keeping us informed of matters that affect your son, in particular issues related to his health and mental and physical well-being. His state of health is clearly a material factor in considering his on-going enrolment.
- Supporting your son and the School by your attendance at school functions and parent meetings wherever possible.
- Supporting the School in its academic programme and in the recommendations made by the School to assist your son’s academic progress.
- Ensuring that your son when, under your care, conducts himself in a manner that does not bring the name of the School into disrepute.
- Assisting and supporting the School in respect of the policies relating to alcohol and drugs, including a commitment not to permit your son to drink alcohol in a school situation or to partake in any form of drug consumption.
- Committing yourself not to insult or abuse teachers or staff, including sports coaches, and to maintain a courteous and positive relationship with staff as we would expect from our staff to you.
- Supporting the School wherever possible in dealing with instances of bullying.
- Assisting the School in dealing with social media issues and understanding the impact which social media may have on those in the Michaelhouse community.
Most of these expectations will seem absolutely obvious to the majority of parents, and I simply wanted to be proactive in reminding us all that these are helpful in engendering mutual trust and respect.