June 15, 2022

Rector’s eNews – 15 June 2022

/ Rector's eNews

At the time of publishing this eNews we have not yet received the report from the independent legal consultant who has been charged with investigating the alleged incident on the hockey astroturf in the Michaelhouse – St John’s fixture. We expect the report later today and will need to review its contents and to consider what steps, if any, we are to take and, naturally, to make contact first with those most closely associated with the investigation. Whilst we cannot rush into informing the wider community about the contents of the report, we will act as swiftly as we are able to thereafter.

Please could we ask that parents take care to ensure that their sons are properly equipped in terms of school dress for each term. In many cases, boys grow dramatically during the course of a year and they find they have grown out of their school clothes: khaki chinos or charcoal longs are too short and shirts don’t fit or can’t be buttoned up properly at the neck. The list of the standard school dress is below for your ease and you may wish to or need to visit the Trade Inn at the end of the term or at the beginning of next term to ensure that your son is appropriately attired for school. Thank you for your help in this regard; it certainly means that our boys can look smart, especially when we are in No1s.

Read the full Rector’s eNews here

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