February 8, 2023

Rector’s eNews – 08 February 2023

/ Rector's eNews

In 2019 I introduced the Rector’s Leadership Portfolio which was aimed, principally, at that stage, at boys who were disappointed that they had not been appointed prefects, but felt that they had much to offer in the sphere of leadership. This opportunity has evolved more recently to include those who may be prefects and/or those A Block boys who simply want to make a difference in the world by pursuing a project which impacts in a significant way on others. There have been a number of examples of successful projects over the years and I write a special testimonial at the end of the year about the work and the projects adopted by the boys who pursue them. I believe such testimonials may have and have had an impact on a range of further opportunities for matriculants as they progress through their careers though this, in itself, is not the reason for taking up a project.

The most recent challenge has been defined by Enrique Benassi, a matric boy in Mackenzie. Mackenzie House has been linked to the Khazimula Childrens’ Home over some time and with boys from that House regularly helping and supporting the children there and Enrique’s particular project has developed out of that association.

The Khazimula Childrens’ Home supports 30 vulnerable children aged 6 to 19 by offering residential care and responds to the educational needs of each child. It equips children with the necessary coping skills they will require once they return to their family/extended family or community. Their therapeutic programme includes psycho-social support and tracks the progress of the children when they return to their communities.

During the course of the December holidays, Enrique and his brother, Stef, came down from Gauteng to the Khazimula Childrens’ Home and, over a period of three days, cleaned the walls of three dormitories, filled in cracks/holes and then painted the walls as well as the doors and two beds. During their time there, they spoke to the General Manager, Thathu Mokoena, who gave Enrique a needs list for the Khazimula home for 2023. I attach this as Appendix A to this eNews.

You will notice that there are many things that might be very simple to provide and others that are far more costly (eg a mini bus) but Enrique is set on working his way through the needs list and trying to fulfil as many of their wishes as possible, without in any way detracting from the already incredible work done by other Mackenzie boys. To this end, it may be that some people outside the school may be able to help him with his project: clothing, pencil cases, fitted sheets or duvet covers, wall mounted fans and even a top loading washing machine might well be within the range of those who would be happy to support Enrique’s work.

I will let you know on a termly basis how his project is developing and of the work of the other Mackenzie boys.

Read the full Rector’s eNews here

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