October 6, 2021

Rector’s eNews – 06 October 2021

/ Rector's eNews

As the curtain came down on last term, it went up on the Matric Ball which was held in four marquees on the terraces in the front of the school. The main buildings were beautifully lit as guests arrived in an assortment of vehicles, ranging from tractors and trailers to emergency cars. The girls were wonderfully glamourous, but soon donned the jackets of their partners, whilst the boys went in search of blankets to combat the cold and rain. All in all it was a great evening, much appreciated by all present, and our thanks go to Mrs Ilne Visage and Ms Marcel Cornelius for planning and arranging the evening so beautifully.

As we reassemble for the Christmas Quarter, we do so for the first time in some months with the prospect of a degree of normality and the likelihood of inter-schools fixtures taking place. We are by no means out of the woods yet across the country, but the respite offers us a degree of relief and means that planning is somewhat easier across a range of activities. Speech Day, for example, may now be attended by prize winners, all of the A Block and all of the A Block and prize winners’ parents; this will be, as usual, in the Schlesinger Theatre next Friday, 15 October and we look forward to welcoming the above parents back to Michaelhouse. A separate invitation will follow to the above parents in due course and the event will, in any case, be streamed.

On Thursday 28 October 2021 we will be having a D and E Block Open Day. This will provide the D and E Block parents with an opportunity to meet with the teachers and each other. We will start with registration and tea at 9:30 and then at 10:15 parents will have an opportunity to meet with their son’s teachers. Many parents took the opportunity to meet with the teachers online during the course of the year and so may not feel the need to meet with the teachers again. If this is the case please feel free to come and join us for tea anyway before you collect your son for the mini mid-term break. We would love to chat to you informally over a cup of tea. An invitation will be sent out by the end of the week.

There is a wonderful feeling in the school as the sunshine returns that we are very much on the move, that the term is going to be the best of the year and that we can all enjoy success and fulfilment. We plan to retain this momentum as I encouraged the boys to do in our assembly yesterday, to aim high but realistically so and to strive to meet our goals.

Read the full Rector’s eNews here

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