Australia, New Zealand & Dubai
/ Events / Old BoysIn November 2019, functions were held in Auckland, Brisbane, Sydney Melbourne,Perth and Dubai and it was a pleasure to see again Old Boys who shared their years at Michaelhouse with me and to meet others for the first time.
Old Boys’wives and partners who joined us enjoyed the evenings and they were most welcome. Gatherings of Old Boys generally confirm that we do produce significant men and this trip was no exception.
Once again,it was affirming to touch base with men who make a difference tothe lives of their families and communities: from introducing new programmes in local schools, supporting Community Partnership Programmes back home, caring for a wheelchair-ridden wife, forgoing university to establish the family farm to supporting local charities. Michaelhouse men are doing us proud. In each centre, Old Boys organised the venue, meal and then invited members to the function.I hope that my visit has renewed friendships between Old Boys, facilitated relationships between new arrivals in the antipodes and the ‘old hands’ and, of course renewed the ties with Michaelhouse. Flash-drives with all the necessary information for establishing formal branches have been left with the organisers who may recruit some of the younger members to do the heavy lifting of branch organisation.