Why Michaelhouse?
Michaelhouse is a school of established heritage with an innate respect for the individual. It is this long held tradition that distinguishes Michaelhouse from other senior boys’ schools. We believe that going to senior school is as much about finding one’s niche in life as having the freedom and encouragement to explore it and to become the best one can be.
Walk through our avenues of trees, over our playing fields and enter into the heart of the school. In our red-brick quadrangles you may hear the sounds of the chapel bells, the choir singing, footsteps of generations of young men and the laughter of friends. You will discover a strong community spirit where Masters and Boys meet to create an environment of vision, warmth, caring and excellence. Visit our media centre, music and art schools, theatre, classrooms and boarding houses.
Investigate our exciting academic, sporting, cultural, spiritual, environmental, character and leadership programmes. Feel our ambience and begin to experience a little of the enthusiasm and positive energy that are the hallmarks of Michaelhouse.
If you are in the area or think that this could be the school for your son why not come to Balgowan to experience, in person, the ethos of our fine school.
Important Year Dates
Prize Giving*
Grandparents' Day
Hilton/Michaelhouse Sports Day (Away)
Old Boys' Gaudy Dinners
PBHS Winter Sports Day (home)
Michaelhouse/Hilton (home)
Matric Ball
C Block Journey
D Block Pondoland Hike
E Block Camp
Speech Day
Remembrance Sunday
New Boys' Day
Old Boys' Day